Evil mastermind of absurd humor. He got his superpowers (and ego the size of a small planet) from falling into a barrel containing radioactive confidence.
He likes using his powers to do panels on topics he doesn't have a clue about, and write award winning fanfiction.
When not plotting another scheme to take over the world, he enjoys a good book and a cup of tea with milk.
Proud pervert and misogynist responsible for the milder strips found on the site.
Excels at slacking and ocasionally at learning languages.
Enjoys cooking, british accent and redheads - preferably at the same time.
AKA Ayana is a self-taught self-proclaimed artist who suffers from too much spare time and bad friends, who drag her into their world domination plans.
She is responsible for most of the irregular lines around this page.
When she's not asleep you will most likely find her chewing on your fingers/pencils or anything else at least 50% edible.
She also likes to flood DeviantART with her so-called art, so be sure to check it out: Nigerfur.deviantart.com/gallery/